The fish when rolled over open its mouth, as something random I wanted to get it to link to this song
Fish heads
but as of yet I can't get it too work... well to be honest I didn't try very hard it isn't really important... i've just wanted to get it into a project sinch forever, lol.
The comb is an animated gif (click to view)
It only plays once and doesn't repeat, so it looks smooth on the rollover, not like the manic mechanise sex toy in the link... i just put the animation on repeat so you didn't have to keep hititng the refresh button.
When the comb is clicked the user is directed in another window to a page about a type of beard (Barbaus Nautilus in this case). The background looks like so...
With said gibberish inside the big white space...
Barbarus Nautilus
Barbarus Nautilus or the nautical beard dwells upon the sea and in coastal regions, having adapted a method of eating similar to the Baleen whale. Its long bristles act much like the combed teeth within a large whales mouth, trapping food as it filters though the water.
The nautical beard found its way into Nottingham in 1762 when the Nottingham authories took to provide light in the form of slow burning Whale oil lamps for the general pubic, two of these lamps remain, One, a somewhat elaborate one at the foot of the steps at the south east corner of St. Mary's Churchyard and the other a very simple one at the corner of Kaye's Walk and St. Mary's Gate. The oil was greasy and foul smelling and, to the 16th century reisdences discomfort, kept underneath the steps of the guildhall in Weekday Cross. This oil was procured from the skippers of whaling ships from whitby and other north eastern coastal towns, thier salty dog crew occasionally bringing grisly trophies from thier voyages at sea in the form of giant skeletons! Such a gruesome reminder remains in the city today, as a signboard for the pub "Royal children".
The place names link to the Typogrpahical map of Nottingham
I'll cite the sources of the information at a later date, but right now its twenty past six in the morning,and now I've gotta get ready to be on the bus for work in an hour!
tj -x-
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